Friday, September 3, 2010

Blog 1 objective and subjective

Objective Claim is something that is true no matter what. A example of this would be “I live in the city of San Ramon”. I said this claim when my friend asked me if I lived in San Jose or somewhere different.  This statement is a statement no one person can argue because we all live on planet Earth. Another kind of claim is a Subjective claim. A subjective claim is a claim that can be true or false depending on the view of the claim. An example of this would be “I love to ride my Motorcycle”. I made this claim when I was riding motorcycles with my Dad in San Jose. This statement is true for me but might not for other people; therefore it is a subjective claim. I make claims and hear claims everyday on Facebook and other social networking sites but now I that I know about objective and subjective claims I start to notice the kinds of claim and if they are subjective where it can be true or objective and it is true.   

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