Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 8

All, and, no are words that can that mean more then they imply. These words can specify things in your argument and often missed by others. All means “Every single one, no exceptions.” (Critical Thinking). This means when you say all you mean every single one. So in turn when you say all Ferraris are fast or every Ferrari is fast, you mean that every single Ferrari is fast. The opposite of all would be no. No is defined as “not even one” (Critical Thinking). A example of this would be No Mustang is faster then a Ferrari, or All Ferraris are faster then Mustangs you are saying that no Mustang that can beat any one Ferrari. These are things you must watch out for when you argue you don’t want make a claim that is untrue or one you cant back up, so you must use these words carefully and be sure to think about the meaning of the word.

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