Friday, November 5, 2010

Appeal to Emotion

Emotions are major factors in an argument. Our emotions affect the way we argument by affecting our points of view and choices in our word we use in the argument. Appeal to Emotion in an argument is the concept of appealing to ones emotions such as anger, sadness, happiness, vanity, ignorance, and even flattery. You can appeal to these emotions to make your point or improve your argument. An example of a argument that involves a appeal to a emotion like sympathy would be “I wanted to recycle every bottle I saw after watching the movie Ocean and seeing all the pollution that the animals in the sea have to deal with.” An example of an organization appealing to emotions would be when an organization uses sympathy to bring attention to there cause such as M.A.D.D or the American Red Cross they appeal to the emotion of sympathy to bring attention to there cause and prove their arguments. Emotions can be a powerful tool to use in a argument, by using emotions you can show your audience your views and how you feel about those views.

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