Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mission Critical

This week our teacher assigned our class to look at two websites. One of the websites we looked at was called the Mission Critical Website. In this website it goes over the basics and breaks them down into five main points. The 5 main points are: the parts of an argument, basic relations, analysis of arguments, fallacies and non-rational persuasion, and other common fallacies. Of the five I think the one that was most important and interesting was the fallacies and non-rational persuasion. Fallacies and non-rational persuasion discussed the appeals such as the emotional appeals like fear, pity, spite, loyalty, prejudice, and vanity. It also talked about the misdirected appeals like the appeal to authority and common belief. The appeal to authority is when we feel we need someone or something to help us prove our point and give us credibility like a book or specialist. The appeal to common belief is when statements of common belief is stated a fact but may not be so such as Audi makes cars much better then Dodge because more people I talked to think so. Audi could make better cars but it can’t be proven by people’s opinions. Overall I really enjoyed this website and will reference later.

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