Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

There are many types of reasoning from reasoning from examples to reasoning from sign to even casual reasoning. The reasoning that I found the most troubling to understand was the concept of reasoning by analogy. Reasoning by analogy is the concept of taking a analogy like Andrew likes video games and plays video games and reasoning that if Brad likes video games then Brad will play video games. This concept gets more confusing when you are arguing it because you can say that Brad is not Andrew so he wont play video games. Brad is his own person so just because Andrew likes games and plays games does not mean Brad will play games. You may also argue that since both Brad and Andrew like games they can play games together making it so that they play games together not separate so if Andrew likes and plays games then Brad likes games he will play them with Andrew. Both of these statements are contrary to each other but can be true based on the analogy making explaining the concept very in-depth.

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