Saturday, November 13, 2010

Casual Reasoning

There are many types of reasoning and one that I particularly liked and found interesting was Causal Reasoning. I found this reasoning particularly interesting because of all the people who use it and the fact that I use it everyday. Everyday we see people using this reasoning especially on television and radio. A example I recently saw on TV was this show on ESPN talking about Kobe Bryant and how he is so good in games and makes impossible shots so they reasoned that in practices he shoots those shots a lot so he can make them in the game. I also often use casual reasoning and not even know that I do, such as when I wake up late I know that I wont have time to eat breakfast before my first class so I reason that I will be hungry during my first class. Casual reasoning is used everyday by everyone and thanks to this class now we can see it, hear it, recognize it, and use it in our everyday statements and arguments.

1 comment:

  1. Hey AdamTValdivia, I agree with you that casual reasoning is something we use everyday, sometimes without even thinking about it. I really liked the examples you used though, it really made it much easier to understand. I especially liked your Kobe Bryant example. It shows how easy it is to make the connection between how good he is, with how much he practices, because with a lot of practice makes perfect. Your waking up late example is also one that I know far to well. Being hungry during your first class definitely sucks! Which is why with a little reasoning, I always set extra alarms so that I wake up on time and get something quick to eat before heading off to class.
